Sunday, 7 December 2014

This week...

...has had it's ups and downs. Food poisoning on Friday was definitely a down, but bouncing back and teaching some lovely ladies to make crocheted snowflakes on Saturday was an up! My latest knitting project has also had a bit of both. What started as a simple project to make a stocking filler turned into an epic nightly battle with wool and needles!

This was the rather unpromising start where I turned some beautiful Rowan yarn into strange and unrecognisable shapes.

Then followed some carcass construction - still not looking great!

At one point I was stared at by a manic penguin...

But then finally I finished, and lo and behold it looked like it was meant to - a bear!

The pattern is in the book Knitted Woodland Creatures and I have to say it was very well written - you just have to believe that the strange shapes will actually come together in the end!

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